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每天产生的数据量在持续增长, with the collective sum of the world’s data expected to increase from 从2018年的33泽字节到2025年的175泽字节. 与此一致, 广播公司处理的大数据比以往任何时候都多, 都是以他们正在创造的视频内容的形式, and also in terms of the 信息 they are capturing on their audiences. 后者可以给广播公司带来巨大的好处, but only if they are able to store and manage it in a way which will allow them to access and analyze the data. 一旦他们这样做了, it will be possible for broadcasters to extract value from their data by using it to inform business decision and get ahead of the competition.


从历史上看, broadcasters looked to firms such as Nielsen or surveys to provide the insights they needed to understand viewing habits. 然而, 随着OTT流媒体平台的兴起, broadcasters are no longer reliant on these external parties and can capture data themselves detailing the programs users watch, 他们看了多久, 以及他们最喜欢的类型. 一旦他们掌握了这些信息, it’s possible to maximize its value by using it to inform business models and to drive engagement. 例如, Netflix and YouTube use algorithms to turn data into content recommendations to try to further engage users and encourage them to stay 在站台上. Netflix已经成功地以这种方式使用了大数据 recommendation system 据报道, influencing 80% of the content watched 在站台上.

Another way in which Netflix is extracting value from big data is by using predictive analytics to inform decisions about which shows to commission and for how many seasons. For instance, Netflix used big data to form its decision to commission 26 episodes of 《百家乐软件》, 尽管没见过飞行员, 以主题等信息为基础, the fact that there was an existing fan base due to the original British series, 演员和导演对这个项目的吸引力. 包括Netflix在内的广播公司 据报道, used big data in their decision to cut the standard length of a season from the traditional 13 episodes to 10 episodes or less. It is thought that big data revealed that 10 episodes are optimal and any more do not add value, 使他们成为广播公司不必要的开支.


The second half of this year is set to see the launch of a number of new streaming platforms, 包括迪斯尼+, 苹果电视+, 和BritBox, 这将加剧市场竞争. As the more established players within the industry try to cement their place in the face of this competition, it is likely that they will use their expanse of big data to increase engagement, 概述. 然而, 在这些新兴服务中,与众不同的是Disney+, 哪个有大量的数据可供使用, 收集了超过80年的信息. 毕竟,第一部迪士尼电影, 《白雪公主和七个小矮人, was released almost 60 years before the launch of Netflix and 68 years before Amazon Prime Video.

然而,, despite Walt Disney Pictures having gained vast amounts of data about which films and programs are the most successful, 哪些主题最能引起共鸣, 在这段时间里,它应该瞄准哪些人口统计数据, 这些数据现在已经过时了. Although this data will have been extremely useful to the organization when making decisions regarding new films to commission or which films should have a sequel, 例如, it is unlikely to be as valuable when it comes to its new platform, 因为它已经相当老了. 在这个场景中, Netflix and Amazon will have the upper hand as the data in their possession is based on current users which will be more beneficial for personalizing the platform for each individual user, 例如, 这是迪士尼+无法做到的,至少不会马上做到. 因此, 在某些方面, Disney+ will have to start afresh when it comes to capturing data on its viewers and build up this 信息 over months and years. 这并不是说它现有的数据将被闲置. Instead, it will have to be combined with new and up-to-date 信息 to provide any real value.


不仅是竞争日益激烈, but so too is the number of subscribers to video on-demand services, 即将到达 到2022年,全球人口将超过7亿而2018年为4.74亿. 结果是, broadcasters will begin to create even more content to cater to the differing tastes of such a vast audience and get ahead of the competition, while the amount of data captured from the audience will increase exponentially. 因此, it is vital that broadcasters are able to store and manage their data effectively in order to derive as much value from it as possible. These insights can then be used to inform decision-making about everything from which time of year to broadcast certain types of programs to which are the most popular types of content and how long a series should run. It will also be possible to create more algorithm-driven personalized viewing experiences tailored by the 信息 gathered on individual users. 通过最大化大数据所提供的价值, broadcasters will be better placed to get ahead of the competition and gain a larger segment of the market.

 [编者注:这是一篇来自 画像. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


This session discusses how advertisers can more effectively and efficiently reach a buyer of a product or service with OTT than any other media.


Without reliable third-party data on everything from quality of service to viewer behavior, 像CBS All Access这样的OTT SVOD服务面临困难


如果你有很多视频, 你有很多数据, and the best way to maximize the value of that data is with a "strategy first" approach


For media and entertainment companies still storing data in digital silos, 那是无法前进的. 发现内容存储管理解决方案的好处.